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Finally, we are in Level 2 and can start working towards our new normal. Thank you for your patience during Level 3 and 4, you have all been wonderful!Level 2 at Remarkable Vets will be similar in many ways to Level 3. We have a staged approach towards Level 2 to ensure we have it right at every level to keep both staff and clients safe.In Level 2 our main aims are to provide a full range of services while reducing congestion as much as possible to keep everyone safe.We will again be allowing a limited number of clients to enter our buildings for consultations and purchases.Boarding services will resume at the beginning of Level 2 with additional health and safety policies and procedures.Doggy daycare will resume from Monday the 25th of May during Level 2. This staged re-introduction allows us to put into place and test new procedures to ensure client and staff safety and reduce congestion.Changes to boarding and daycare procedures will be communicated directly to our affected clients via email shortly.Puppy preschool is still on hold while we await clarification on how we can operate preschool safely.-Clients are strongly encouraged to use hand sanitiser on entry and exit of our buildings. For contract tracing, we may ask you to sign a login register, or staff may log you in electronically.-We ask that clients observe at least 1m distancing between staff and other clients and pets both inside and outside our vet clinics. We may utilise staff to hold your pet during the examination to maintain distance.-One client per family may come into the consult room with your pet. Other family members will need to wait either outside observing social distancing, or in your vehicle.-Clients are to please wait either in your vehicle or in our garden at Arrowtown if the weather permits prior to your appointment. Please let us know you have arrived by either calling the clinic from your car or knocking on the door of reception and waiting to be invited in.-Depending on congestion levels in the clinic, our vets may still conduct your case discussion and perhaps your pet’s examination outside, keeping 1m distance between staff and clients.-After your appointment, unless asked otherwise, please wait in the garden at Arrowtown or in your vehicle for any prescriptions to be brought to you.-Payment can be online the day of your appointment, or via card or cash at the clinics.-We will continue spacing out our appointments to avoid congestion, which means we cannot see quite as many cases as usual in a day. We may still utilise teleconsultation for some cases.-Please still try to phone first if you are planning on coming in to purchase food, supplies or medication, or order online (more details to come on this!). We can then have it all ready to go when you pick up. You are welcome to pay prior via internet banking or by credit card over the phone. This helps reduce congestion at the clinics.-Please continue to phone or email us for general advice and discussion about pet care, puppy training etc rather than coming into the clinic.-We are continuing our stringent disinfection routine.*If you or someone in your household has been overseas in the last 14 days, are unwell with cold/flu symptoms or are self-isolating, please do not come into the clinic. If you need pet supplies or repeat medication you can call or email us to arrange delivery.*If you are unwell with cold/flu symptoms or self-isolating and your pet needs veterinary attention please call us on 03 4421411 and we can advise you and make a plan for care.*If self-isolating with your pet, please remember to treat them as a family member and wash hands before and after interacting.

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Ph: 03 442 1411

08:30 to 17:30 (Monday to Friday)

09.00 to 13.00 (Saturday)

Closed (Sunday)

18 Glenda Drive

Frankton 9300

(Opposite PaknSave Fuel)


Ph: 03 442 1411

08:30 to 17:30 (Monday to Friday)

Closed (Saturday)

Closed (Sunday)

1079 Malaghans Road

Arrowtown 9302

(Opposite Millbrook)

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Ph: 03 442 1411


53 Gorge Road

Queenstown 9300

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